Quality Salmon Partner gathering in Smögen 26-27th October
We are very happy to be able to gather all of you again for meetings later this month! 27 people from 14 different partners will be present for two full days of meetings and workshops in Smögen.
The purpose of this gathering is to produce the remaining elements necessary to complete the Detail Plan and Environmental Assessment that we plan to submit EOY. Although we have gathered a lot of the information needed from many of you, basic designs as well as basic description of each partner’s process, logistics, employees, and consumables still need to be completed.
Later this week you will receive the full agenda for the two days, including information about the different workshops, such as which partners will participate in which workshops, the topics, and the key issues to be addressed and answered in each workshop. Robert is also putting together a matrix that shows which questions have been answered and which still need to be addressed in relation to the Environmental Assessment.
We will contact each of you beforehand to clarify what you should look into so you can prepare properly for the gathering and in particular the workshops.
Although the meetings start at 9:00am Tuesday 26th October, many of us will kick off the gathering with dinner at Smøgen Hafvsbad Hotel already Monday evening, 25th October.
We look forward to seeing you in Smögen in 2 weeks!
Quality Salmon Industry Park Traffic Investigation
Over a period of 3-4 months, the engineering consulting firm, WSP, was engaged by Quality Salmon to make the required Traffic Investigation and Survey for the application process QS is currently undergoing. The Traffic Investigation and Survey is required to assess the environmental impact of the construction phase and operations of QSIP from a traffic and logistics perspective taking all transport of goods, services, and people in and out from QSIP during a whole year into consideration. The traffic assumed to and from QSIP was added into the current traffic picture and the impact of this was evaluated as well as possible solutions required to ensure a traffic picture that is within the limits of such roads. The total scope of the survey was estimate at around SEK 400.000, -
The survey was based on approximately 1.600 employees partly in shift structure, travelling to and from QSIP by car, bicycle, and public transport, as well as transport of goods in/out of QSIP in 20/40 feet containers, approximately 200 vehicles/day. In addition to approximately 25 vehicles linked to visitors, craftsmen, deliveries and other. The investigation assumed access points to QSIP from the north (transport of goods) and the south (employees, visitors etc.). Several types of road junctions for accessing/exciting QSIP from the two roads was simulated to identify the minimum required junction solution. The recommended types of road junctions had to handle both the increased traffic load and potential
queues, so the study had to conclude on a junction structure that does not cross the opposite traffic flow. After several simulations, dialogue with the local and roads authorities, the final solution is shown below.
If you want to read the full traffic investigation, please send an email to: Heidi.Leikanger@qualitysalmon.no

Sea water intake - mapping for our intake pipelines for sea water to QSIP shows no red flags!
QS together with Sotenäs Municipality has conducted a survey of the ocean bed where the pipelines for the intake of sea water to our park are planned to be placed.
The assignment concerns sea level measurements prior to laying a sea pipeline, bottom mapping that includes bathymetry, surface geology and marine archaeology with multibeam sonar and side scan sonar. In addition, a clearing was also required from military authorities for the further planning of the pipeline positioning.
The survey included the proposed intake position, the proposed lanes for the pipeline and investigations along possible lanes for the pipelines such as possible intersecting pipelines as well as a mapping of the benthic fauna.
The survey concluded no material issues with the proposed lane, and green flag has been received from the military authorities.
Next step is to make assessment of pipe measurements and volumes, identify the technology and solution for the shore/water connection to avoid environmental impacts, find site for the water pump houses, and rough draft the total solution for probing with the local authorities.
Test bed large-scale land-based aquaculture project - step 2 approved!
Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency under the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, and the national contact authority for the EU framework programme for research and innovation, is responsible for the distribution of the funds for this project, however the funds originate from the EU, the Swedish government, as well as the participants in the project.
The project will lay the foundation for an investment decision for a world class advanced test bed for sustainable, circular, land-based aquaculture. The test bed will contribute to the development globally and is in great demand by the business community as aquaculture is responsible for a
system change as it moves up on land more and more. The project will specify, develop, and anchor a concept for a test bed and the product of the project will be an investment basis where key players have anchored the ambition and can make decisions about financing, organization, and initiation of the test bed.
The test bed will enable large-scale advanced tests where important factors for circular aquaculture (for fish, algae, and shellfish) such as water purification, residual product utilization, automation and construction materials are tested in a closed circular system. Tests must be based on a system perspective, resource efficiency and good living environments with good growth and quality. Testers demand a large and sophisticated test bed so that the industry, nationally and internationally, can take the next step.
Other participants are Sotenäs Municipality’s Symbioscentrum, Chalmers University of Technology Institute for Biology and Biotechnology, University of Gothenburg Institute for Biology and Environmental Science, Innovatum, University of Linköping Institute for Economy and Industrial Development, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Chalmers Foundation for Industrial Technology, Swedish Algae Factory, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Volta Greentech. In addition, Siemens, SLU, Rena Quality, Reforcetech, Nippon Gases and Quality Salmon will contribute to the development of the pre-project.
The project will start immediately and have a project end date 31st Dec. 2022.
A world-class large-scale test bed facility nearby QS Industry Park’s Education Centre can pave the grounds
for a strong viable Land-based Aquaculture Campus in Sotenäs Sweden.